LiteSync, Inc.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

This blog is no longer updated by Kelly. If you'd like to visit LiteSync's Blog please visit Thank you!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

I love how systems integrate. Today we can seamlessly integrate anything you can imagine from a single touch screen remote control. We often hear folks complain of a "smart home" they used to have that was more trouble than it was worth. Not so smart obviously. This comes from low voltage contractors just trying to make money selling systems that you really don't need. By showing into your face all kinds of things that have to much of a learning curve. It's NOT supposed to be that way! If it isn't easier, if it doesn't make your living better then it doesn't t serve you well.


I am a true audio hobbyist or audiophile; it’s more than just a living to me. My passion for two channel music and surround sound audio/video formats goes back to my teenage years. Our company has the latest in state of the art audio/video interface products and maintains factory training to be sure that your installations are the best they can be. Let me tell you a little about what I've learned over the years. Everyone has a different ear for sound and not all speakers and related gear is created equal. It can all be rather subjective however, I have really suprised people whom didn't think it much mattered when they have heard my elevated level of sound. Something about getting closer to the music makes you realize what you have been missing and how much you really do love music after all.

My best sounding music actually goes back to a day before digital, before solid state even. Can you imagine that!? Well, let me sit you in the listening posistion and I'll show you what I mean.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 we's time to share with our visitors everything we can about lighting design and all related topics.